View Profile GraEm3

49 Movie Reviews

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even although i have taken several cheap shots at the clocks , i like thier simple style , and thier voices ,I will vote 4 on this.
out of interest , how did you get the voices?
I used to have a voice programme but it was crap could you recomend any good ones?
if you do i'll fiven tommorow

GDRGlow responds:

Thanks, to make the computer voices i used TextAlund MP3, just google search for it, i forget the website :O


I know you probably draw your charecters by hand because you either dont like useing the mouse or you just cant draw in flash , I used to be like that but then i tried it and i was still crap , so I kept trying , and eventully i got better at it , if you cant be botherd spending time on your flash you could always trace over your hand drawings (although i wouldent recomend it , you can tell its traced a mile off and some ppl vote low for that),it would make the file size a bit smaller and it would make the cartoon look alot better. also try getting a wav>mp3 encoder that would also make the file size smaller.
the main reason im voting low is because of the file size , not because of the loading time , but because of the space it takes up on newgrounds , wich is what slows it down now and again.
good try , but make some improovments when you do your next flash.

animatedlife responds:

Now thats something I want to hear... thank you... I know I Drew all of them and then traced a couple of their movements and all because I'm not very good at making shapes and crap like that so yeah that why I drew them all. And as for the mp3 encoder..I'll look into that...that was another problem.. file size was way too big... there are so many things this is just the beginning of problems I've run into.. but I'll get better

I would give sound a -10 if i could

I cant belive ppl get away with posting shit like this on newgrounds

Luke-Harris responds:

Let's see you do better...dick!

You really are a fuckin gimp

just so you know i followd the link you left in the reply to one of the reviews for one of your other submits (wich was a 2dtv rip of ),, and what a surprise there IS stolen pics from 2dtv in this , you just edited them in photo shop ,you fuckin piece of shit, oh and by the way mathew , just to ruin your day..
________________________ _________________________
ANY one who is voting low on this pleez follow thez links to blam this pricks other shity flash/jpegs.

http://www.newgr ounds.com/portal/view.php?id=8 1518
http://www.newgrounds.com/por tal/view.php?id=81146
________ ______________________________ ___________

Dreamskape-1 responds:

hahaha! Photoshop! I don't even have photoshop, the only thing i've got it microsoft paint. And by the way you can't blab on about stealing pics, you've done it yourself in that mario thing and your other movies. Well if i can call them that

whats the point in this

Read the last review , it tells you how to test your preloader .

chiko responds:

i did but i didn't realise sorry

This was quite good,

but you need to cut down on the file size, instead of useing wav use mp3 and try to stream as much as you can.

news just in,,,

this is a rip off.

The movie wasnt that good..

but i agree with you that cops are pig.

James-Ball responds:

cops are pigs

Damn It

Now I wish I hadnt submited my game today, anyway good cartoon , it reminded me of ren& Stimpy.
Keep up the good work.

I agree with the last guy

It wasnt much of a Commercial but it was still a very good movie.


Age 38, Male


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